Sunday, January 23, 2011

from Nome to Wales, from Wales to Diomede

 Nome. My friend Amber said this looks like a spirograph.
 I'm trying to take at least one picture a day, so this was on the Sunday we were in Nome. We went to the Nazarene church, and the people there are amazing. They were so friendly and welcoming, and they fed us lunch and gave us two boxes of fresh produce. So encouraged by their kindness.
 One of the days while we were stuck in Nome, we ate lunch at Subway right on the Bering Sea. Crazy.
 It was my birthday while in Nome. Adrienne got me a kids' "You're turning 4!" card, and Katie gave me a brownie. :)
 We spent the night in Wales and got to see our awesome friend Laura who teaches pre-k there.
Lovely Wales.
 You can see the Diomede Islands from Wales too. See 'em?

 I'm told that this snow drift was 3 feet higher the week before. I have a similar one building up outside my house on Diomede now.
 The greatest thing... their store! Not just that they have a store, but there is actually food inside the store!
 That's right, they have potatoes in Wales!
 And onions too!
Here's the frozen food aisle.

 My suitcase next to the inflatable raft should the helicopter plummet into the Bering Sea. My responsibility was to pull the inflating stringymabobjigger should that happen. Too much responsibility for me.
 When we took off, Willis' guitar was sent flying away due to the wind.

 Fairway Rock. Last time I saw the rock I was climbing up top of the island in September. Before that we floated by it on the crab boat in August. The natives on Diomede often visit Fairway Rock in the summer to hunt for birds.

 From what we hear, there are two polar bear dens on the north side of the island. I haven't seen any bears yet, but they men did shoot one the week before we got here. There was one climbing up the island on the south side.
 The smooth part is where we anticipate the ice runway to be. They're working on it! We should be getting a runway in the next few weeks.
 There's the village! See it?
 See those black specks? Snow machines.

 I can't believe I live here.

 Thanks to Nome Nazarene Church, I had an amazing salad for dinner. Not many Diomeders get to say that.
 We've had the most amazing moonlit mornings lately.
 One thing I do love is how often I get to eat apples. Thank God for apples. Seriously.
 The view from my classroom window.
 The view from my classroom window. I still haven't taken my Christmas lights down, and I'm not really sure I'm going to.

 Look at them being so studious and smart! We are reading The House of Dies Drear by Virginia Hamilton, which was one of my favorite books when I was a kid. They love it so far.

 Manning the scoreboard.

Our principal is teaching a few of the girls how to sew.
 The humble abode.

Maybe it will help? Gotta say something.